Wednesday, September 2, 2020

When You Cant Sleep at Night free essay sample

Quite little woman, with your swollen eyes, okay demonstrate them to me? I let the voice of Austin Carlile stream into my mindfrom my earbuds as I sat on my bed and gazed out the window. The virus saturated my body through the window that isolated my tearâ ­stained face from the snow delicately skimming to the ground. I pushed my clench hand into my mouth to smother the following wail as it destroyed its way to my lips from where it counts in my stomach.As I sat alone in obscurity, I permitted myself to flounder in selfâ ­pity, my instabilities worrying all my contemplations. Around the hour of my sixteenth birthday celebration, I understood that I didn’t simply like young men? I loved young ladies too.For months after my acknowledgment, I could scarcely sleep.I would lie wakeful for a considerable length of time, irritated and apprehensive in light of the fact that the fascination I felt for people confounded me and left me feeling incorrectly, as there was something within me that was failed and should have been fixed. We will compose a custom article test on At the point when You Cant Sleep at Night or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Whenever I had the option to nod off, I was tormented with nightmares.I would wake up in a virus sweat, tears in my eyes, unfit to get away from the contemptuous remarks my loved ones heaved at me in my dreams.â€Å"You either like young men or young ladies, you can’t like both†, â€Å"it’s only a phase†, â€Å"you’re just confused†, â€Å"you’re a freak†, â€Å"that’s disgusting†, â€Å"stay away from me†.After fourteen days of these ‘episodes’, I not just couldn’t rest, I was startled to.The individuals in my fantasies knew who I truly was? I couldn’t avoid them.So I escaped the genuine versions.Thewalls I had worked among myself as well as other people became taller and thicker.Because of my frailties, around others, I turned into an adaptation of myself Id intended to shroud my sexuality. I decided to fulfill others as opposed to remain consistent with myself. It had been right around 96 hours since I had last dozed and I could scarcely function.I in the end capitulated to my body’s urgent requirement for rest, however not so much as after an hour, I woke up on account of one more nightmare.â€Å"I despise you†, â€Å"I abhor you†, â€Å"I detest you†.Those three words went through my head over and again as I attempted to quiet my breathing and keep down my tears. I was worn out on crying. I was worn out on not having the option to sleep.I was burnt out on envisioning everything that could go wrong.I was worn out on concealing my sexuality.I was worn out on enduring peacefully. So I came out.Slowly at first.I told my closest companion, and when he revealed to me he despite everything needed to be my companion I felt the weight I had been carting around begin to fall away of my shoulders.With every positive reaction I got, I developed increasingly more happy with being straightforwardly bisexual.I had the option to drive my psyche to close down and I could rest through the night.The bad dreams turned out to be less continuous and I wasn’t continually tormented with tension and selfâ ­consciousness. I still infrequently wind up tensely scratching my arm, or wringing my hands because of the fits of anxiety welcomed on by my dread of dismissal, and there are still evenings when I just rest for an hour or two.But that’s alright, the circumstance I’m in has no handy solution and the more sure with myself I become, the less incessant these occasions occur.Slowly grasping my sexuality has instructed me that tolerant myself the manner in which I am ought to be one of, if not the, most significant pieces of my life and I shouldn’t penance who I am to satisfy the assessments of others, in such a case that they really are significant, they’ll acknowledge me as well.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Effective Study Essay

Powerful learning relies on great examination aptitudes, yet â€Å"Many understudies ††both conventional and nontraditional ††entering school have scarcely any viable investigation skills.† ( Huber, 1994, 29) Good investigation abilities don't just happen; they should initially be learned and afterward applied reliably. Productive investigation methodologies incorporate a preset time, an attractive spot, and an all around planned arrangement for study. A Time for Study A considerable lot of us think we have more to do than we have the opportunity to do, and examining gets scammed. It is critical to set up a calendar of every day exercises that incorporate availabilities for doing the contemplating you need to do. Inside each examination opening, compose the particular investigation action; for instance, â€Å" Red Unit 6 In Modern Writing, answer Questions 1-10.† Keep the calendar adaptable so it tends to be adjusted in the event that you meet your examination objectives early-†or late. A Place to Study Pick the best spot to study and utilize the equivalent each time every day. Doing so will assist with placing you in an investigation mind-set when you enter that place. Pick a spot that has the least interruptions: individuals traffic, discussion, phone, TV, and outside clamors. Normally study is the best done alone without sights and sounds that divert the eye and ear. Power the brain to concentrate eagerly on the examination task. (Silver, 1992, 26) A Plan for Study Research on the impacts of explicit investigation abilities on understudy execution recommends that the accompanying examination strategies help to improve scholastic execution. (Dansereau, 1985, 39) 1. Skim a unit or a part, nothing headings, point sentences, keys words, and definitions to sign you to what you are going to examine. 2. As you need the material, convert the headings into questions; at that point look for answers to those inquiries as you need 3. On the off chance that you own the book, use shading set apart to feature significant thoughts: heading, theme sentences, exceptional terms, definitions and supporting realities. Something else, make notes of these thoughts. 4. In the wake of perusing the material, survey the featured things( on your notes that contain them) 5. Utilizing the heading expressed as questions, check whether you can respond to those inquiries dependent on your perusing. 6. Test yourself to check whether you review meanings of significant terms and rundown of supporting reality on thoughts. A high adjustment exists between great examination propensities and passing marks for courses taken in secondary school. REFERENCES Dansereau, D.J. â€Å"Learning Strategy Research.† Thinking and Learning Skills. Vol. 1. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erllaum, 1985 Huber, Rose. â€Å" Teaching Students How to Study.† Eastside Weekend. September 1-7, 1994 Silver, Theodore. Study Smart. New York: Villard Books, 1992

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mannings Arm Wrestling With My Father and Vowells Shooting Dad Essay

Mannings Arm Wrestling With My Father and Vowells Shooting Dad - Essay Example His dad was into firearms while Vowell was into music and craftsmanship. Both Vowell and Manning had communicated separation and partition from their dad which is normal for an age hole. The child and the girl anyway started to comprehend their dads when they developed. In Manning’s case, the child comprehended why the dad was so incredulous of his exhibition, it was on the grounds that he is pushing him to be as well as can be expected be. In Vowell’s case, the girl saw that she is so similar to her dad that â€Å"We’re both savvy alecky mavericks with ridiculous tasks and bizarre equipment.† Differences in conclusion, taste and inclination are natual between a parent and a kid. They might be hereditarily practically comparable yet they are as yet unique individual. They experienced childhood in various age and being such, their points of view in life general can be extraordinary. These distinctions anyway doesn't need to heighten to a degree of contentio n whereby the kid will feel far off and estranged to the dad. This commonly happens when the dad over-force himself and when there are unhealed hard feelings in the kid. I have by and by perceived how unhealed feelings of spite can demolish a dad youngster relationship in a portion of my companions. I am simply fortunate in light of the fact that my dad is steady, understanding and adoring that regardless of whether we have contrasts because of our age hole, they were insignificant and we even child ourselves about it. My dad stoops my sort of music as noisy while I bother him back that his kind of music as old and hauling. He might be wry now and again when he helps me to remember my needs yet I comprehend it to be his method for getting in to me so I won't get wayward with my life. I realize he cherishes me since I felt it and he doesn't stop for a second to demonstrate it to me. I likewise have a significant regard for my dad for the sort of man he is. I am thankful on the ground s that I know cap a portion of my companions are not that fortunate with their folks. I have this dear companion who has an oppressive dad. His dad doesn't reprove him out of the expectation of adjusting his ways or improve him yet just to censure him and cause him to feel awful. I know since I saw it when I visited him in their home. I don't have the foggiest idea why and the main sensible thing I can consider for what reason does it is a result of his liquor and medication issue. Subsequently, my companion answers back to his dad in a discourteous way and the trading of words between are not beautiful and unfit to be written in this paper. Do the trick to state that they were cruel and some were even profane. This clarifies why my companion seldom remains in their home and is continually spending time with his companions and irate with the world. My companion likewise gets in a difficult situation oftentimes maybe because of the repressed displeasure he has with his dad. I am very much aware that kids ought to be deferential of their dad. Yet, fathers ought to likewise endeavor to get good and truly be a dad to their youngsters. They should retouch their ways with the goal that they will have the ethical command to encourage their youngsters to be live upstanding. On account of my friend’s father, the dad can't do anything when my companion answers back to his dad that before encouraging him to fix his life, to fix his life first. That is really cruel however it is very evident. Additionally, when giving censures, fathers ought to be caring when they rebuke their youngster with the goal that it won't make separation and age hole. This generally occurs

Thursday, June 4, 2020

An Eye For An Eye Expression - Free Essay Example

The common expression an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. This refers to the Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou because in both the main characters make decisions that harm them or the people around them. Some of the more thought about topics of the Odyssey are hospitality, loyalty, and vengeance. All these themes tie into the stories. Both the story and the movie are about the journey to get back to their family and get their wives back. Ulysses’ and Odysseus’ journeys were similar but there were clear differences. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou took place in America and the Odyssey took place in Greece. In Greece they are very welcoming to guests and when they have strangers come to the door they feed them and give them somewhere to rest. As in the Odyssey one example of bad hospitality is when Odysseus and his men went to Polyphemus’ cave, the men thought that they would be welcomed in and get to feast. But they were mistaking, because when the cyclops was hungry he would just grab two of the men and eat them whole. In the Odyssey there was also a good example in hospitality, the lotus eaters. When Odysseus and his men arrived on the island they were welcomed and got a treat right away. Although this treat, the lotus, would distract them from their real goal the lotus eaters were very welcoming. Another big lesson to be learned from the stories is loyalty. Loyalty was a big part of these stories. In Oh Brother, Where Art Thou Pete and Delmar were loyal to Ulysses’ until they found out that there was no treasure. They were furious at Ulysses. They were also mad because Ulysses only wanted their help to break out because he wanted to get back with his wife. In the Odyssey there were many loyal people to Odysseus, Penelope and all the men who went to Troy with him. The men were loyal to Odysseus because when Odysseus was getting them in trouble with monsters and gods the men kept following him. Penelope was loyal to Odysseus throughout the whole story. She was having a hard time keeping the suitors at bay while Odysseus was away. Throughout the story Odysseus knew who to keep around him and knew who to trust. But when he heard about all the suitors trying to kill his son and trying to marry his wife he was furious. Vengeance was one of the most action packed themes in the stories. In the Odyssey at the end of the story when Odysseus gets back to Ithaca. When he got back he was dressed up as a beggar and when Penelope had the competition, to string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through 12 axe heads, to find a new husband. None of the suitor were able to string the bow, but when it was Odysseus’ turn he was able to string the bow and make it through all the axe heads. So he won, but he was still angry about the suitors trying to kill his wife and marry his wife. So he traped everyone in the room and killed all the suitor with help from his son Telemachus. Another example is when the cyclops was devouring his men so he stabbed the cyclops in the eye. He did this for vengeance and to get out of the cave they were trapped in. Odysseus was a leader that you would not want to go against or disrespect. The decisions that the characters of both stories, affected them and the people around them. The ideas of hospitality, loyalty, and vengeance were expressed on a large scale in both stories. Overall, the expression an eye for an eye means when you punish someone you will be injured or penalized to a similar degree.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Forgiving Student Loan Debt Essay examples - 822 Words

Does the amount of student loan debt have an effect on the economy? If so would forgiving student loan debt help lower the national debt or would it just increase it? According to Mary Claire Fischer, a writer for Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine, â€Å"two-thirds of students who receive bachelor’s degrees leave college with debt in tow† (Fischer). Among these students, the average amount owed is twenty-six thousand dollars (Fischer). There is a six month grace period after graduation to allow the student time to find a job and programs to try to help eliminate debt. â€Å"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates that one-fourth of the American workforce may be eligible for repayment or loan forgiveness programs† (Atteberry). The†¦show more content†¦These budget cuts often effect the teachers by their salary. Also, if the teacher in the Teacher Forgiveness Program got laid off because of budget cuts before their five years where up then none of their loan would be paid. Another option that students with debt may take would be joining the military. The military has its own loan forgiveness program. Another thing that the military has is strict rules about who can be in the military. People in the military rather it is the Army or the National Guard have to be healthy. It is not someone’s fault if they are not in perfect condition because for the most part our health is out of our hands. Basic things like not smoking can help prevent someone from being unhealthy, but no one can avoid their family history when it comes to their health. The best options right now for a student with debt is to apply to the Income-Based Repayment Plan or the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program if going into a public service job. This program adjust the loan payments to be fifteen percent of their discretionary income (Atteberry). This means that their monthly loan payment is fifteen percent of what they make that is abov e the federal poverty level. The best part about this program is that â€Å"after twenty-five years after making payments, the borrower’s remaining balance if completely forgiven† (Atteberry). The only borrowers that can apply to the Public Service Loan ForgivenessShow MoreRelatedIs Forgiving Student Loan Debt A Good Idea?1009 Words   |  5 Pagesnew media, Kayla Webley, in her essay â€Å"Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt a Good Idea?† states Robert Applebaum’s solution for student loan debt is a â€Å"radical and wildly unfeasible solution† in both economically and politically. Applebaum’s proposal is to â€Å"provide a one-time bailout of student debt†¦as a way to stimulate the still-limping economy.† However, Webley counters the solution has to have â€Å"the purported benefited and fairness of a one-time student loan bailout.† In Webley’s essay, in the sixthRead MoreIs Forgiving Student Loan Debt A Good Idea?1227 Words   |  5 Pagesnew media, Kayla Webley, in her essay â€Å"Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt a Good Idea?† states Robert Applebaum’s solution for student loan debt is a â€Å"radical and wildly unfeasible solution both economically and politically. Applebaum’s proposal is to â€Å"provide a one-time bailout of student debt†¦as a way to stimulate the still-limping economy.† However, Webley counters that the solution has to have â€Å"the purported benefited and fairness of a one-time student loan bailout.† In Webley’s essay, in the sixthRead MoreIs Forgiving Student Loan Debt A Good Idea?970 Words   |  4 PagesMONEY In the article â€Å"Is forgiving student loan debt a good idea† by Kayla Webley, a writer for Time, Webley feels that from a human standpoint forgiving student debt holds some appeal (2). Kayla Webley refers to Robert Applebaum who started a petition in 2009 with a petition of nearly 670,000 signatures. The comments from persons posting the petition are quoted as â€Å"guessing this will never happen but it can’t hurt to sign on† (1). Burdened with an estimated $88,000 in debt, Applebaum’s proposal isRead MoreIs Forgiving Student Loan Debt A Good Idea?972 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt a Good Idea Many people would love to have their student loans debt forgive but do not believe it will happen. So Kayla Webley decided to write an article about student loan forgiveness, at the time Webley wrote the article she was the education correspondent for Time magazine. Now she is currently a staff writer for the same magazine. In her article, she claims that the student loan dilemma that is facing a lot of Americans is a problem for your countryRead MoreIn The Short Essay, â€Å"Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt A Good807 Words   |  4 PagesIn the short essay, â€Å"Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt a Good Idea?† by Kaya Webley, she illustrates through validations that student debt is a problem, but Applebaum’s proposal brings about political and economic problems. One of her validations is that most people can afford their student loans. She also states that only a small handful of graduates leave school with an unbearable student debt. Webley touches upon programs that are already in place to help pay off college debt. Another one of her validationsRead MoreIntroduction. In The Recent Years, There Has Been An Increasing1016 Words   |  5 Pagespaying tuition fees for college students. This has been brought about by high cost of living and inflation. In addition, college tuition fees today as compared to 50 years back have increased exponentially. As a result, more students are opting to applying and taking student loans provided by the federal government. Consequently, statistics show that the amount of student dept is souring. This has led to economists start debating on the impact the ever-increasing student dept has on the economy of theRead MoreStudent Debt Is Tough And Federal Loan865 Words   |  4 Pagesfederal loan forgiveness only applies to federal Direct Loans, not private student loans. If the graduate is lucky enough to land a public service job the graduate must realize that there is no guarantee that the employment will still be around in ten years since no one truly knows how the program will work or if it will work at all. Val Meyers, associate director for the Office of Financial Aid at Michigan State University comments are recorded in Susan Tompers’ article â€Å"My Apologies: Forgiving StudentRead MoreEssay on Student Loan Debt Should be Forgiven1256 Words   |  6 PagesDoes the amount of student loan debt have an effect on the economy? If so would forgiving student loan debt help lower the national debt or would it just increase it? According to Mary Claire Fischer, a writer for Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine, â€Å"two-thirds of students who receive bachelor’s degrees leave college with an average debt of twenty-six thousand dollars† (Fischer). This means that the average student debt has doubled since 2007 (Ross 24). The total student loan debt is $1.2 trillionRead MorePros And Cons Of Student Loan1256 Words   |  6 PagesApplebaum laments that from the stu dent loan industry point of view, the student debt is there to help the loan providers amass funds from the youngest, economically vulnerable and financially unstable of which graduates form the majority. The loans have come with immense opportunity cost as the â€Å"educated poor† are not able to buy homes, invest or innovate, start businesses or engage in economically viable activities while the few up the echelons of power are benefiting. Tuition rates have escalatedRead MoreStudent Loan Is A Terrible Idea1308 Words   |  6 PagesStudent loan forgiveness is a terrible idea. Sure, in an idealistic world it would be great if the country could forgive all student loan debt and thus bring relief to all students across the nation. Realistic? Not necessarily! Instead of the fairytale notion of student loan forgiveness being the answer to all the problems, America would fair better in taking the initiative in making reforms to the educational loan system that are a bit more rea listic. Student loans are a massive predicament in the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Team Business Operations - 1391 Words

Management Team In Business Operations The management team in our business includes the Chief Financial Officer, the Sales Manager, the Marketing Director, the Human Resources Director, the Chief Technology Officer, and the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Financial Officer is the one responsible for the budget and the accounting systems of the business. A growing company needs a CFO in its management team because the cash position and assets of the company have to be monitored and husbanded properly. In addition, there are many financial reports required by stockholders, stakeholders and various agencies of the government. The Sales Manager is very important in the operations of the company as the success and profitability of a†¦show more content†¦A CTO or Chief Technology officer is now an essential part of the management team, as effective presentations and reporting are now reliant on modern technology. A company’s web presence and social media presence is also an essential factor in a companyâ⠂¬â„¢s growth and success in this age of modern technology. Maintaining customer data, personnel data, and product specifications is also dependent on technology. The Chief Executive Officer or CEO charts the business’ strategic vision and sets the milestone towards the company goals. His effective leadership is responsible for the positive results produced by the rest of the team. He recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of the team members and is able to draw on individual strengths to constitute a strong team. The team concept, group dynamics, and the strengths and weaknesses of business teams The concept of the team is for people of different expertise to interact, share their individual expertise, and collaborate for the success of the business enterprise. The dynamics of the group are the unseen forces existing in a team which can greatly influence the way the team will behave, react to situations or perform. Some of the factors that can influence team dynamics include individual personalities of the members of the team, the team operation, the way the team view itself, and the organization of the team.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Facebook Case Study free essay sample

Some might even use it to spy on their partners, triggered possibly by romantic jealousy (Darvell, Walsh and White, 2011; Elphinston and Noller 2011, 631). Others use it as a platform to advance various social and political causes by creating public Facebook pages. Lynas is an Australian listed company with ambitions to process rare earths in Malaysia. Concerned about the carcinogenic effects of the post production waste, multiple Stop Lynas Save Malaysia (SLSM in short) Facebook pages have been created by various Malaysian green groups (Stop Lynas, Save Malaysia Facebook page, 2013). The resultant groundswell and widespread publicity on mainstream media could have well contributed to the share price slide over the last two years (Lynas Corporation Price Quotes, 2013). This case as well as the iconic Arab spring uprising in Egypt Tunisia has clearly demonstrated the edge that Facebook has given to the small man on the street by conferring them a voice for their cause, even with limited cash (Chokoshvili 2011, 22-23). In a nutshell, Facebook is one of the top 4 new social media platforms (the thers being Youtube, Twitter and LinkedIn) that allows for users to interact, influence 2 and exchange information, with the aim to increase their social capital (Dutta and Fraser 2009, 2; Macnamara 2010, 7). The implications of Facebook users behaviour Millions of users are susceptible to potential data abuse by cybercriminals, identify fraud as well as identify thefts should their accounts be hacked (Richmond, 2010). Loss of privacy and bad publicity are also key issues when individuals tap on the social media highway. The recent cash-for-tweet saga by the South Australia Tourisms paid tweets to generate publicity for Kangaroo Island backfired, is a case in point (Ward, 2012, 39). Facebook addictions (Griffiths 2012, 518) seems to be a growing concern many have gone on digital breaks, Some users have even decided to flick the click permanently as life priorities changes (Kippist, 2013), while some users have complained about cyber bullying (Walker, Sockman and Koehn 2011, 35; Widdup 2010, 62). Facebook has somewhat returned some power to consumers as the millions of users brag, bag and promote brands voluntarily, acting like being a brand ambassador on a pro bono basis. Leveraging on this consumer to consumer power to influence purchasing decisions meant businesses need to rethink their 3 branding and marketing exercise to include a hybrid of brick and mortar and the click-and-Like mediums (Edelman 2010, 2; Mangold and Faulds 2009, 358). Its a paradigm shift where consumers are co-creators of the brand and hard selling shifts into two-way conversational selling. All these changes create opportunity for positive electronic word of mouth (also known as eWOM) to go viral very quickly (Chu 2011, 39). This can lead to a loss of control by businesses over the branding and marketing efforts. This lost of control is also a concern amongst government and private companies trying to control their employees access to SNS during their working hours (Bhagwat and Goutam 2013). Facebook will need to ensure that the privacy of users are not compromised as there are lots of data on its hands (Bhagwat Goutam 2013). This vast amount of data is rich pickings for potential hackers like the Comment Group from China who mines data from social networking site. It then sends out innocent looking emails to unsuspecting end-users for commercial espionage and sabotage intent (Lee 2013). Leverage Facebook for commercial returns (and the issue of company Facebook effectiveness). This blending of brick and click mixture (Mangold and Faulds 2009, 359) has created new platforms for businesses to channel resources and finances to ensure they are also seen, heard and accepted (Lusch 2011, 263). Corporations that know how to do it right (not necessarily the first time around) gets a bigger 4 piece of the share of voice, which hopefully will lead to greater electronic word of mouth (also known as eWOM) (Chu and Kim 2011, 48). Some have suggested an approach known as hypertargeting (Shih, 2009, 12), where companies can sharpen their customer centricity through specific targeting of potentials customers by personalizing marketing and CRM efforts as user generated data and data is matched to potential service offering and marketing campaigns (Shih 2009, 12). To monetize, some early adopter companies are setting up full scale versions of their brick and mortar business within Facebook. These companies, like the English cloth trading company , ASOS (which stand for as seen on screen) are targeting the moppers, a term used for shoppers with a mobile smart phone device that are now able to shop and pay online without leaving the SNS platform. Its a strategy that has yielded ASOS a healthy twelve percent pre-tax profit of $44. 5 million from a total sale of $371 million (Shannon and Kharif 2011, 22). Even traditional corporate bulwarks in the brick and mortar space are partnering Facebook to set up virtual SNS-based shopping experience – these include JC Penney, Delta Airlines as well as Tesco (Shannon and Kharif 2011, 22). Tescos approach goes a few steps extra in this click battle – customers are able to add to their virtual shopping basket simply by photographing a barcode of a specific product. Two other companies with fully integrated stores within the Facebook platform include British Young Designers and French Connection, whilst others like Dove is subcontracting their check out functions with the Facebook platform to third party sites like Bestbuy and Easyjet (McEleny 2011, 1). Even non profit outfits like the Australian Salvo have much success with their recently concluded I like Salvo Facebook campaign through a combo of paid and unpaid fan likes support that was executed by DGM Advertising. The bottom line too has increased, year on year by 6. 6 percent ( Marketing, May 2012, 4951). The role that FACEBOOK Platform play for both INDIVIDUALS and ORGANIZATIONS As seen from the examples from the paragraphs before this, Facebook Platform has been a cornucopia of opportunities for businesses. It has also been a boon to savvy apps and game developers to earn real bucks directly through micro transactions as well as indirectly through placements of advertisements into those apps/games environment (De Prato and Paul Simon 2011, 14). The improved version of Platform and Facebook Connect drives traffic to website and encourage other users to attract even more users to their websites. A clever third party cookie embedded through the Like button enables organizations and businesses to trace and track consumer behaviours, even if they dont click on the Like button (Roosendaal 2011, 7). With another 75 percent of website (Piskorski, Eisenmann and Smith 2012, 8) yet to implement the Like button on their websites, this could generate limitless opportunities for businesses to tap on 6 this one giant online ecosystem of consumer intelligence gathering in the months and years to come (Edelman, 2010, 6). With opportunities comes threats of litigation Facebook is being sued by Rembrandt Social Media whos claims that the Like button uses two patents from a dead Dutch IT programmer by the name of Joannes Jozef Everardus van Der Meer (BBC News, February 11, 2013). Arresting revenue fall in Facebook stock price – options to boost revenue Strategy 1- Continual market penetration and Augmentation There are plenty of opportunities to increase revenue through social advertising for Facebook. 31 percent of Australian companies, big and small, still do not have any online social media presence at all (Paterson 2012, 40). Through a more personalized algorithms of consumers psychographics and demographics, Facebook can offer their corporate customers like Telstra, Virgin, Qantas and Optus (Paterson 2012, 40) a more personalized marketing and selling messages. To monetize revenue from users traffic, Facebook is already implementing Facebook Exchange, a tool that tracks users web habits when they visit nonFacebook websites, and then customized ads once they return to the Facebook page (Sengupta, 2012). Facebook could perhaps also monetize non-US markets 7 like Indonesia, Brazil India as these countries have some of the highest number of users outside of America (Piskorski, Eisenmann and Smith 2012, 14). Strategy 2 – Monetizing through mobile technology as in smart phones and tablets The mobile smart phone and tablet platform is where the money is for Facebook as consumers go mobile (Kim, 2012; Hogue 2013). Facebook could leverage on the many mobile platform-based companies it has acquired, for instance Instagram (mobile photo sharing, Tagtile (mobile customer loyalty service), and Karma (mobile gift-giving application) (Kim 2012). Tagtile, in particular has much potential to be a potential game changer think of it as a frequent flyer for retail consumers on steroids (Baxter 2012, 38; Bhagwat and Goutam 2013). Its a mobile based retail loyalty that rewards customers with free deals in exchange for their checking in, whilst the merchants get to know more about their customers through an electronic cube, similar to a Foursquare initiative (Adams 2012, 35; Vega 2011). Considering also that revenue from mobile advertisement for Facebook was zero two quarters ago, the current fourth quarters 23 percent of total advertising revenue in 2012 is an achievement, and should be leveraged for further growth in 2013 (Oreskovic, 2013). Facebook might even make a takeover bid on smaller operators like ExactTarget, a company with proprietary enabling technologies thats critical in helping the mobile advertisement to be even more profitable for Facebook (Hogue 2013). Strategy 3 –Monetizing through merchandizing and gifting 8 In the United States, Facebook is gradually rolling out actual gift cards that users can give to their friends. This, along with the ability to buy a gift to a friend on their friends special occasion like birthdays/anniversaries could help boost earnings (Weber, 2013). 9 References Adams, Yvette. 2012. 10 Digital Strategies for Aussie Tourism Marketers. Marketing April: 34-35. Baxter, Andrew 2012. Has Foursquare missed the retail boat, and will Facebook miss it to? Marketing June 2012, 38. Bhagwat, Shree, and Ankur Goutam. 2013. Development of Social Networking Sites and Their Role in Business with Special Reference to Facebook. Journal of Business and Management 6(5): 15-28. http://iosrjournals. org/iosrjbm/papers/Vol6-issue5/B0651528. pdf Chokoshvili, David. 2011. The role of the internet in democratic transition: Case study of the Arab Spring. Master’s thesis, Central European University. Chu, Shu-Chuan. 2011. Viral advertising in social media: participation in Facebook groups and responses among college-aged users. Journal of Interactive Advertising 12(1): 30-43. Darvell, Millie J. , Shari P. Walsh, and Katherine M. White. 2011. Facebook Tells Me So: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand PartnerMonitoring Behavior on Facebook. Cy berpsychology, Behavior Social Networking 14 (12): 717-722. De Prato, Giuditta, and Jean Paul Simon. 2011. Paving the way to e-services: Innovation through online games. Paper presented at 22nd European Regional ITS Conference Budapest, Budapest, 18-21 September. http://www. econstor. eu/bitstream/10419/52209/1/672464470. pdf Edelman, David C. 2010. Four ways to get more value from digital marketing. McKinsey Quarterly March: 1-8. https://www. mckinseyquarterly. com/Four_ways_to_get_more_value_from_dig ital_marketing_2556 Elphinston, Rachel A. , and Patricia Noller. 2011. Time to Face It! 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Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Trader Project Project Management

Introduction The major aim of all organisations is to provide vital goods or services to its clients. Organisations ensure that their activities benefit their stakeholders. Therefore, profit-making organisations must ensure that they generate profits without exploiting their customers. The complex nature of the activities of various organisations necessitates them to strive to improve their efficiency.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Trader Project: Project Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This enables an organisation to gain a competitive edge over its rivals. From time to time, organisations implement various initiatives that strive to improve their activities. Automation of various activities is one of the major strategies that companies use to improve their efficiency. However, a company has to take extreme care to ensure the successful implementation of various IT projects. Efficient proj ect management enables a company to implement the projects successfully. Some of the causes of failure of IT projects include lack of proper planning, poor leadership, and failure to anticipate various problems that may occur during the implementation of the project. The costs of implementing IT projects ranges from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars. Therefore, failure of IT projects may have devastating effects on a company. It may even lead to the collapse of a company. The Trader project faces some of the above problems. These problems led to the inflation of the budget of the project. In addition, they led to a significant delay in the completion of the project. The Trader Project The Trader project strived to automate the activities of Barwest Bank. The aim of the project was to automate documentary letters of credit (LC) and Documentary Collections (DC). In addition, the project would lead to the automation of other financial transactions of the bank. Aut omation would reduce the operational costs of the company. It would enable the company to reduce staffing in the Foreign Service Office (FSO) and Financial Services Branches (FSB) by 25%. The break-even of the automated system was only three years. This was due to its ability to increase the efficiency and reduce operational costs. The budget of the project was  £1,000,000. However, the project exceeded its budget estimates. In addition, the project did not follow its schedule. Implementation of the project lagged behind its schedule by several months. These problems increased the break-even period to six years. In fact, the system may not break-even after six years due to various factors that are beyond the control of the company.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Problems The Trader project faced various problems that hindered its implementation. The problems led to a significant increase in the budget of the project. However, most of the problems were avoidable. The problems that the project faced included: Poor management and leadership styles Poor project planning and control Lack of efficient communication channels Management and Leadership Styles The management and leadership style of a project determines the success of the project. Leaders should ensure that they motivate project members to achieve their objectives. The type of leadership or management style that leaders employ is usually dependent on the type of project. No leadership or management style is suitable in all types of projects (Jones, Steffy Bray, 1991, p. 575). Scope, time constraints, goals, and the personalities and experiences of the team members determine the leadership and management styles that project managers should employ in a certain project (Binder, 2007, p. 24). In the Trader project, the project manager, Gordon Grant, used the wrong leadership and management style. Grant made several decisions that affected the project without consulting team members. Grant introduced a new project member from ABC without consulting other team members. He did not provide information on how the existing team members would accommodate the new team members. In addition, Grant did not address various problems that the project teams faced. Grant did not address the problem that Derek Pringle, one of the project members, faced while running capacity tests. He told him that it was not his duty. This is despite the fact that failure to find a solution would affect the efficiency of the project. Grant wanted various groups to achieve results at all costs. He even told the project group members from Barwest Bank to work during the long Easter weekend to enable them finish the project in time. In so doing, he disregarded the views of other members of the project implementation team. Project Planning and Control Project planning and control determines the time tha t the project management team would take to implement a certain project. Changing the staffing or organisational structure is one of the major methods that companies use to improve their project planning and control. The business process helps in defining project planning and control. Companies usually give project managers the freedom to choose any project planning and control tools. Project managers should determine what activities various project group members should undertake and when they should undertake the activities (Simpson, 2010, p. 28).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Trader Project: Project Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Grant changed the structure of the project implementation team to improve its efficiency. He included a new member from ABC to help existing team members. However, the project manager did not use efficient planning and control methods. The project manager equip ped FSB and FSO branches with only one printer and PC. However, the branches needed three PCs and printers. It was impractical for the branches to share only one printer and PC. In addition, the printers used a printer board that was obsolete. The project manager was unable to coordinate the activities of different team members. This was evident in the situation where the project manager requested team members from Barwest Bank to work during the long Easter weekend. He assumed that team members from ABC would also be working during the weekend. However, members from ABC went on a vacation in Paris during the Easter holiday. In addition, the new software application went ‘live’ before the project manager could solve some of the problems that the application faced. This is a clear illustration of the lack of proper planning and control of the project manager. Communication In an organisational setting, communication determines the efficiency of various activities. Theref ore, it is vital for a company to formulate efficient communication channels. Setting up efficient communication channels is one of the first activities of a project management team. Most project teams meet regularly to discuss the progress or issues facing the project (Koster, 2009, p. 48). Communication between the team members may be virtual or face-to-face. However, efficient communication is useless if the project team members do not strive to solve the problems that the project faces. In the Trader project, group members communicated with each other via e-mails and letters. This enabled them to raise several issues that they faced while implementing the project. However, the project manager did not address certain issues that the group members raised. The project manager did not address the problem that one of the group members, Charles Baker, faced while trying to implement the project.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Baker, it was impossible to use printer boards since they were obsolete. This problem would affect the efficiency of the project since the printer is one of the major components of the new system. However, the project manager did not take concrete steps that would help in solving this problem. In the Trader project, all group members could communicate directly with the project manager. This increased the issues that the managers faced. Most projects require people to communicate with their group leaders instead of communicating with the project manager directly. Leaders of various groups are the only people who should communicate with the project manager directly. Charles Baker communicated with the project manager directly instead of raising his issues with Iqbal Jaffar, his group leader. Communicating with group leaders instead of the project manager helps in solving various issues that group members may face faster (Turner, 2007, p. 785). Solutions Establishing effic ient communication channels is one of the first steps that project managers should take. Project managers should hold regular meetings with various members. The meetings help in communicating the schedule status and task priorities (Gido Clements, 2012, p. 332). Therefore, holding regular meetings would have helped in solving some of the problems that the Trader project faced. From the case study, it is evident that there was no efficient communication between members of the project implementation team. The members strived to address the problems the problems only when they got out of hand. Leadership and management style is one of the major problems of the Trader project. The project manager should have incorporated relevant people in the project implementation team. Since FSO and FSB branches would be the ultimate users of the automated systems, it was vital for the project manager to include representatives of the branches in the project implementation team (Schwalbe, 2010, p. 2 95). In addition, the company should not have implemented the project in a hurry. The company should have taken sizeable amount of time to determine how the project would help in improving the activities of the company. In any project, it is vital for the team members to feel that their input is valuable. This improves the motivation of the team members. Therefore, it is vital for project managers to use democratic style of leadership whenever possible. Democratic leadership enables project managers to consider the views of people who will implement the project (Taylor, 2006, p. 65). In the Trader project, the project manager used autocratic leadership. He did not consider the views of other members of the project implementation team. This made the members feel isolated and helpless. One of the major reasons that made the project manager use this leadership style is time constraints. In addition, he hatched the project without the input of other group members. Therefore, he felt tha t he had intricate knowledge on the project. Use of democratic leadership would have helped in avoiding some of the problems that the project faced. It would have enabled the project manager to avoid storage and printer problems (Kerzner, 2013, p. 58). Project planning and control determines activities that various members of the project implementation should undertake. In addition, it determines the right time that project members should undertake the activities. This helps in coordinating the activities of various project members. Ideally, individual group members should focus on one task at a time. They should perform various tasks according to their priority and ensure that they have few interruptions. Performing high priority work first helps in improving the speed of the project. In the Trader project, the project manager went on leave during a critical part of the project. This created delays in the project since he could not address several issues that occurred during this p eriod. During the implementation of a project, it is vital for various members to provide frequent updates to relevant stakeholders. Regular updates help in recalculating and analysing the schedule of a project. In addition, updates help in adjusting the project plan. In the Trader project, the project manager provided regular updates on the schedule of the project. However, the project manager did not use the updates to adjust the project plan. Initially, the company intended to implement the project within three months. However, the project manager implemented the project after 12 months. This led a significant increase in the budget of the project. Therefore, the project manager should have used the updates to adjust the project plan. This would have curbed the significant increase in the costs of the project. Recommendations The Trader project did not achieve its initial objectives due to the above problems. The project had an over-optimistic cost position. The project plan over looked several factors that haunted the project later. Therefore, the company should ensure that it conducts extensive feasibility studies prior to the commencement of future projects. Feasibility studies would help in determining some of the problems that the project may face in future. In addition, the feasibility studies would help in the formulation of accurate financial plans (Westland, 2007, p. 25). The company should ensure that it formulates various activities that improve the interpersonal relationships of the project group members. Prior to the commencement of a project, the company should hold meetings with the group members. The meetings should discuss how the project implementation team would undertake its activities. This would enable the individual group members to feel that they are a valuable part of the project. Before implementing new systems, the company should ensure that it trains the users of the new systems. In addition, the company should incorporate relevan t stakeholders in the project team. These measures would help in reducing resistance towards the new system. Failure to include employees from the FSB and FSO branches is one of the major factors that increased resistance towards the project. In future, the company should ensure that it formulates suitable contracts with the suppliers of IT equipment. The company should use hardware capabilities instead of hardware configuration to enter into contracts with suppliers of IT equipment. This would have eliminated the need to buy new servers. The suppliers of the IT equipment would have borne the costs purchasing the new equipment. Conclusion Poor leadership, planning, and control are some of the major problems that the Trader project faced. They led to a significant increase in the cost of implementing the project. These problems increased the break-even period of the project from three years to six years. Therefore, the company should ensure that future project managers have skills th at would help them overcome the problems that the project may face. References Binder, J 2007, Global project management, Gower Publishing Ltd, Surrey. Gido, J Clements, JP 2012, Successful project management, Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA. Jones, JJ, Steffy, BD Bray, DW 1991, Applying psychology in business, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD. Kerzner, HR 2013, Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling, John Wiley Sons, Hoboken, NJ. Koster, K 2009, International project management, SAGE Publishers, Thousand Oaks, CA. Schwalbe, K 2010, Information technology project management: With Microsoft Project 2007, Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA. Simpson, WP 2010, ‘Project planning and control when time matters: Focus on process to synchronize and drive results’, Production and Inventory Management Journal, vol. 46 no. 2, pp. 26-43. Taylor, J 2006, A survival guide for project managers, AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn., New York. Turner, JR 2007, G ower handbook of project management, Gower Publishing Ltd, Surrey. Westland, J 2007, The project management life cycle: A complete step-by-step methodology for initiating, planning, executing and closing a project successfully, Kogan Page Publishers, London. This case study on The Trader Project: Project Management was written and submitted by user Cailyn Cruz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Childrens Day in Japan and Koinobori Song

Children's Day in Japan and Koinobori Song May 5 is Japans national holiday known as, Kodomo no hi Ã¥ ­ Ã¤ ¾â€ºÃ£  ®Ã¦â€" ¥ (Childrens day). It is a day to celebrate the health and happiness of children. Until 1948, it was called, Tango no Sekku (ç « ¯Ã¥ Ë†Ã£  ®Ã§ ¯â‚¬Ã¥  ¥), and only honored boys. Although this holiday became known as, Childrens Day, many Japanese still consider it a Boys Festival. On the other hand, Hinamatsuri (㠁 ²Ã£  ªÃ§ ¥ ­Ã£â€šÅ ), which falls on March 3rd, is a day to celebrate girls. Childrens Day Families with boys fly, Koinobori é ¯â€°Ã£  ®Ã£  ¼Ã£â€šÅ  (carp-shaped streamers), to express the hope that they will grow up healthy and strong. The carp is a symbol of strength, courage, and success. In a Chinese legend, a carp swam upstream to become a dragon. The Japanese proverb, Koi no takinobori (é ¯â€°Ã£  ®Ã¦ » Ã§â„¢ »Ã£â€šÅ , Kois waterfall climbing), means, to succeed vigorously in life. Warrior dolls and warrior helmets called, Gogatsu-ningyou, are also displayed in a boys house. Kashiwamochi is one of the traditional foods that are eaten on this day. It is a steamed rice cake with sweet beans inside and is wrapped in an oak leaf. Another traditional food is, chimaki, which is a dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves. On Childrens Day, there is a custom to take a shoubu-yu (a bath with floating shoubu leaves). Shoubu (è â€"è’ ²) is a type of iris. It has long leaves that resemble swords. Why the bath with shoubu? It is because shoubu is believed to promote good health and to ward off evil. It is also hung under the eaves of homes to drive away evil spirits. Shoubu (Ã¥ °Å¡Ã¦ ­ ¦) also means, materialism, warlike spirit, when using different kanji characters. Koinobori Song There is a childrens song called, Koinobori, that is often sung during this time of the year. Here are the lyrics in romaji and Japanese. Yane yori takai koinoboriOokii magoi wa otousanChiisai higoi wa kodomotachiOmoshirosouni oyoideru Ã¥ ±â€¹Ã¦   ¹Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€šÅ Ã© «ËœÃ£ â€ž é ¯â€°Ã£  ®Ã£  ¼Ã£â€šÅ Ã¥ ¤ §Ã£  Ã£ â€žÃ§Å"Ÿé ¯â€°Ã£  ¯ 㠁Šçˆ ¶Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ¥ ° Ã£ â€¢Ã£ â€žÃ§ ·â€¹Ã© ¯â€°Ã£  ¯ Ã¥ ­ Ã¤ ¾â€ºÃ© â€Ã©  ¢Ã§â„¢ ½Ã£  Ã£ â€ Ã£  « æ ³ ³Ã£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£â€šâ€¹ Vocabulary yane Ã¥ ±â€¹Ã¦   ¹ - rooftakai é «ËœÃ£ â€ž - highookii Ã¥ ¤ §Ã£  Ã£ â€ž - bigotousan 㠁Šçˆ ¶Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œ - fatherchiisai Ã¥ ° Ã£ â€¢Ã£ â€ž - smallkodomotachi Ã¥ ­ Ã¤ ¾â€ºÃ£ Å¸Ã£  ¡ - childrenomoshiroi é  ¢Ã§â„¢ ½Ã£ â€ž - enjoyableoyogu æ ³ ³Ã£   - to swim Takai, ookii, chiisai and omoshiroi are I-adjectives. There is an important lesson to learn regarding terms used for Japanese family members. Different terms are used for family members depending on whether the person referred to is part of the speakers own family or not. Also, there are terms for directly addressing members of the speakers family. For example, lets look at the word father. When referring to someones father, otousan is used. When referring your own father, chichi is used. However, when addressing your father, otousan or papa is used. Anata no otousan wa se ga takai desu ne. 㠁‚㠁 ªÃ£ Å¸Ã£  ®Ã£ Å Ã§Ë† ¶Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ¯Ã¨Æ'Å'㠁Å'é «ËœÃ£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£  ­Ã£â‚¬â€š- Your father is tall, isnt he?Watashi no chichi wa takushii no untenshu desu. ç § Ã£  ®Ã§Ë† ¶Ã£  ¯Ã£â€š ¿Ã£â€š ¯Ã£â€š ·Ã£Æ' ¼Ã£  ®Ã© â€¹Ã¨ » ¢Ã¦â€°â€¹Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š- My father is a taxi driver.Otousan, hayaku kite! 㠁Šçˆ ¶Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£â‚¬ Ã¦â€" ©Ã£  Ã¦  ¥Ã£  ¦- Dad, come quickly! Grammar Yori より is a particle and is used when comparing things. It translates into than. Kanada wa nihon yori samui desu. ã‚ «Ã£Æ'ŠãÆ'ۋ  ¯Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€šÅ Ã¥ ¯â€™Ã£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š- Canada is colder than Japan.Amerika wa nihon yori ookii desu. ã‚ ¢Ã£Æ' ¡Ã£Æ' ªÃ£â€š «Ã£  ¯Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€šÅ Ã¥ ¤ §Ã£  Ã£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š- America is larger than Japan.Kanji wa hiragaba yori muzukashii desu. æ ¼ ¢Ã¥ ­â€"㠁 ¯Ã£  ²Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ Å'㠁 ªÃ£â€šË†Ã£â€šÅ Ã©â€º £Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š - Kanji is more difficult than hiragana. In the song, Koinobori is the topic of the sentence (the order is changed because of the rhyme), therefore, koinobori wa yane yori takai desu é ¯â€°Ã£  ®Ã£  ¼Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¯Ã¥ ±â€¹Ã¦   ¹Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€šÅ Ã© «ËœÃ£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢ is a common order for this sentence. It means the koinobori is higher than the roof. The suffix ~tachi is added to make the plural form of personal pronouns. For example: watashi-tachi, anata-tachi or boku-tachi. It can also be added to some other nouns, such as kodomo-tachi (children). ~sou ni is an adverb form of ~ sou da. ~ sou da means, it appears. Kare wa totemo genki sou desu. Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã£  ¯Ã£  ¨Ã£  ¦Ã£â€šâ€šÃ¥â€¦Æ'æ °â€"㠁 Ã£ â€ Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š- He looks very healthy.Sore wa oishisouna ringo da. 㠁 Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¯Ã£ Å Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€"㠁 Ã£ â€ Ã£  ªÃ£â€šÅ Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£ â€Ã£   Ã£â‚¬â€š- That is a delicious looking apple.Kanojo wa totemo shindosouni sokoni tatteita. Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£  ¯Ã£  ¨Ã£  ¦Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£ â€"ん㠁 ©Ã£  Ã£ â€ Ã£  «Ã£  Ã£ â€œÃ£  «Ã§ «â€¹Ã£  £Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€š- She was standing there looking very tired.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Investigative report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investigative report - Essay Example I would listen to customer as I walked around. It is important for you to note that Wal-Mart food chain stores are not as effective as you may think. The retail stores have a shortage of employees, a problem that people could hardly discover. Despite this problem, I observed that they stock a wide range of food and grocery products (Kipple, Adam and Wherry 23). During my visit to this Wal-Mart grocery store, I found that most customers prefer to shop there because the retail outlet stocks a variety of foods and grocery products. The food chain store stocks products such as cereals, soft drinks, fish, milk, fruit and vegetables. The list of grocery products on the shelves is endless. I found out that the retail store have a strength in availing products to the consumers on time (Kipple, Adam and Wherry 24). You should note that my observations were supplemented by consumer talks, which were not deduced from interviews. Indeed, I walked around the retail store just like any other consumer and never interviewed anyone. On another different note, the retail store had a shortage of employees ranging from the shop attendants, cashiers to the supervisors. The customers were hanging around the corridors and shelves because there were few shop attendants to direct them. Additionally, the same customers would line up for several minutes before they pay for the goods to the cashiers. There were many customers inside the retail store, not because they loved the store so much, but, due to the fact that employees were inadequate. I had thought that Wal-Mart is perfect and efficient even before visiting their food chain store. Being the leading grocery business in the US and the world, one might think that there are no problems in its operations. You should note that the retail store does well in stocking many types of products, but, has a shortage of employees to meet the customer needs. I will go beyond and remind you that Whole Foods is another company that deals with

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Meaning of Socratess Claim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Meaning of Socratess Claim - Essay Example The essay "Meaning of Socrates’s Claim" analyzes Socrates's statement, â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living† which is a clear representation of the deeply principled arguments that are rooted in philosophical life. In order for one to fully comprehend one’s self, relative to the world, it is pertinent that self-examination and self-questioning of one’s life and its foundations. In the case that one chooses not to examine one’s life, they relinquish critical thinking and remain ignorant to their own though process, behaviors, and emotions (Rudebusch). This creates a situation where individuals become merely a passive receiver of experience as opposed to an engage and active exegetist of experience. At the individual level, one has to fundamentally question the very foundations' values that one has inherited from society so as to critically analyze the validity of the basis or foundations of these norms and cultures (Strauss). This requires the deconstructing all the values that one holds, stripping them down to the source, purpose, advantages and disadvantages of the given value. Depending on the conclusion of these results, the value, norm and/or culture can either be discarded, modified or upheld as it was initially. When one lives an unexamined life at the social level, they have no one to observe the individual’s evolutionary process. This is the isolation of man that is damaging to experience. This is because man is naturally tuned to socialize and interact with members of his/her own species.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Chief Bill Bratton Leadership Essay Example for Free

Chief Bill Bratton Leadership Essay When one thinks of a leader, what type of person do we think of? Is that individual a hero that we see on television, a cartoon character, a family member, or is that person a public servant? Regardless of occupation and title, a leader is a person who inspires others and they know how to motivate people. â€Å"When they arrive, you see something about them that stands out. The inner strength of their leadership ability emerges†. (Gonzalez, 2007, February 1). Leaders are individuals in your area of work who are focused on the tasks at hand and they have a clear and concise vision on what their respective organizations are set out to do. How do you know if you are being an effective leader? A leader is a person who is looked up to and has a plan to get things accomplished. Within groups, a leader is the person who makes the final decision for the group and it is a person who is motivated to see success for their organization. â€Å"A leader is on a quest and you can see it†. (Gonzalez, 2007, February 1). In the area of law enforcement, Bob Vernon states that there are six questions that every law enforcement officer leader should ask to see if they are being effective leaders. Vernon states that each law enforcement leader should look in the mirror and ask themselves if their organization has the following: a.) Direction, b.) Teamwork, c.) Staff development, d.) Principles, values, and policies, e.) Communication, and f.) controls (Vernon 60-62). Few officers were more of a leader than William Joseph â€Å"Bill† Bratton was. Bratton was born on October 6, 1947 in Dorchester, Massachusetts which is a suburb of Boston. He attended Boston Technical High School and graduated in 1965. Bratton went on to serve in the military and he served in the Vietnam War during the 1960’s. Bratton began his police career with the Boston Police Department in 1970. Within ten years he rose to the rank of Superintendent. During Bratton’s police career he held the position of Superintendent with three of the largest police agencies in the world. Bratton served with the Boston Police Department from 1991-1993, the New York City Police Department from 1994-1996, and lastly with the Los Angeles Police Department from 2002-2009. During Bratton’s tenure with the New York Police Department, the work he did resulted in dramatic change in the level of crime in the city. For example, murder rates dropped from 2,500 per year to just less than 1,000 per year. Shootings fell from 6,000 to 3,000 a year and robberies from 85,000 to approximately 50,000 per year. (Blair, 2002, September, 23).

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Compare and Contrast A Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and The Monkeys Pa

Compare and Contrast A Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs In this essay I am going to explain the similarities and differences between 'The withered arm' and 'The monkeys paw'. Both of these texts were written before 1914 by two different people. Thomas Hardy wrote 'The withered arm' and W.W. Jacobs wrote 'A monkeys paw'. The withered arm is a short story about a milkmaid who had an affair with a high class farmer. When the farmer gets a new wife, the milkmaid becomes jealous. In a nightmare, the milkmaid who is called Rhoda Brooks sees the new wife she had been obsessing over for the past few days in a horrific apparition gloats over her new husband. In this nightmare Rhoda grabs the apparition and feels her arm as if it were real as she throws the spectre to the floor. The ghost is gone when she looks down. The farmers' new wife, the next day, finds a new mark on her forearm in the shape of a hand in the same place that Rhoda had grabbed the apparition. Rhoda and Gertrude, the farmers' wife soon become good friends as her arm becomes increasingly more serious. Eventually Gertrude persuades Rhoda to get her to take her to a conjurer called conjurer Trendle who is a local magic man. Eventually Rhoda takes her and conjurer Trendle gives her advice but does not give a solution to her trouble. They return home to the village. A year later after Rhoda and her son had left the village Gertrud's arm is becoming steadily worse and she is using all types of potions and magick on it but nothing seems to make it any worse so she goes to see conjurer Trendle for one last time. This time he gives her a solution, she must touch the neck of a recently hanged man while the body is... ...ell in the rural setting of A withered arm. The time frame for each story is also different, the monkeys paw all takes place over a few weeks where as a withered arm has the story lasting for over a year. The time frame they are set in gives them a big difference as it distinguishes one from the other easily. I think that the story which is most striking out of these two has to be The monkeys paw. This story is a better length to not take a while to read and the plot seems better as a whole. Each character seems to have obviously different personalities that they use all the time and these are distinctly separate from the characters of a withered arm. I like the way that the ending of this story is a cliff hanging, we are not told what Herbert looks like after he was brought back to life we are just told about the sigh of dismay from Mr Whites wife.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Date and Observations Essay

1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction conducted in this lab, including appropriate phase symbols.†¨Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) –> H2(g) + MgCl2(aq) 2. Determine the partial pressure of the hydrogen gas collected in the gas collection tube. †¨The partial pressure of the hydrogen gas is 1.07 atm 3. Calculate the moles of hydrogen gas collected.†¨pv=mrt ; n= .0013mol of hydrogen gas 4. If magnesium was the limiting reactant in this lab, calculate the theoretical yield of the gaseous product. Show all steps of your calculation.†¨0.03184 g Mg(1mol Mg/ 24.3050 g Mg)= 0.0013mols Mg 0.0013mols Mg(1mol H2/ 1mol Mg)= .0013 1. Determine the percent yield of this reaction, showing all steps of your calculation. 2. (actual yield/ theoretical yield)x 100% (0.0013/ 0.0013)x 100= 100% 1. Would the following errors increase, decrease, or have no effect on the calculated moles of gas collected in the experiment? Explain your answers in complete sentences.†¨ a. The measured mass of the magnesium was smaller than the true mass. †¨If the measured amount of magnesium is less than the true amount of magnesium then the measured number of moles would be lower than the measured number of hydrogen would be smaller than the true number of moles of hydrogen. It would decrease the calculated moles of the gas. b. The actual temperature of the hydrogen gas is lower than room temperature. †¨If the actual temperature of hydrogen gas is lower than room temperature then the actual amount of hydrogen gas would be higher than the gas at room temperature. So therefore it would increase the number of moles produce. 2. Explain in terms of particle collisions and Dalton’s law why it can be assumed that the total pressure inside the gas collection tube is equal to the atmospheric pressure outside of the tube. †¨If the number of particle collisions and the pressure inside the gas collection tube was high it would force the water in the gas collection tube to be lower than the surrounding water. If the number of particle collisions and the pressure was low the surrounding water would push the water higher into the gas collection tube. When the water is even, inside and outside of the tube, the number of  particle collisions and the pressure are equal. 3. If an undetected air bubble was trapped inside the gas collection tube, how would this affect your calculated percent yield? Explain your answer. 4. If there was an undetected air bubble trapped in the gas collection tube then the pressure of hydrogen would be lower then the actual value therefore the percent yield would be lower than the actual percent yield.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Abortion The Battle For Integrity - 1691 Words

Abortion: The Battle for Integrity On January 22, 1973, one pregnant woman made a radical argument to legalize abortion to the Dallas County Court in Texas that would dramatically shake the future of America. This young pregnant women known as Roe defiantly claimed to the assembly that the Texas laws for abortion were unconstitutional. The laws to establish abortion were authorized by the state governments at that time, and specifically the Texas laws ruled abortion illegal unless the mother’s life was threatened. After this heated debate known as Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court eventually declared a woman s constitutional right to have an abortion (Kaplan 49). Ever since abortion was legalized in the court decision of Roe v. Wade, the justification for this act is that a fetus is not a person until viability, that women have a clear right to privacy for abortion laid out in the fourteenth amendment, and that if abortion was illegal, back alley abortions would become frequent and a risk to many wom en; despite this, a more persuasive view on abortion would be that a fetus is a potential life, that abortion denies a fetus the right to life and happiness guaranteed in the fourteenth amendment and the Declaration of Independence, and that legal abortion leads to more abortions and more use of abortion for the intent of birth control. In order of to justify the legalization of abortion, pro choice advocates claim that fetuses don t become a person until it sShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Abortion917 Words   |  4 PagesAbortions in Texas consist of ending a pregnancy of an unborn child before it can live out of the mother womb. However if the pregnancy ends not on purpose before the twenty four week mark then technically it would be considered a miscarriage. Though inducing the abortion on purpose has caused a lot of controversy over the past century. Deliberately putting people on one of two sides of this issues, of either being for it, which would be considered Pro Choice. Or in the other category of the ProRead MoreWomen s Health Care And Reproductive Rights1515 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion has been one of the hottest topics concerning women’s health care and reproductive rights. Tune into any presidential debate and you’ll notice candidates spending as much time discussing the topic as immigration, foreign policy, climate change, and gun control. There are a lot of misconceptions about the pro-choice movement but it can be explained in very simple terms. Being pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion, it simply means accepting that women have the choice to choose what theyRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Abortion1555 Words   |  7 Pagestopic of abortion in the United States has been and remains one of the most controversial issues in western culture and politics. An abortion can be defined as the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it can survive on its own. This comprises two major forms of abortion: spontaneous, which is often referred to as a miscarriage or induced abortion, which is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. The term is commonly used to refer to the induced abortion, and this is the abortion, which hasRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legalized?930 Words   |  4 Pagesan overwhelmingly shocking amount of, not only pro-choice, but als o pro-abortion articles published to the New York Times, one particular text titled New F.D.A. Guidelines Ease Access to Abortion Pill caught my attention. Contrary to a lengthy duration of anti-abortion progressivism, it seems that pro-abortionist, and seemingly less detrimental pro-choice movements are gaining support, rather dishearteningly. Ultimately abortion, according to a plethora of both scriptural and secular ideologies, isRead MorePro Life Vs Pro Choice Debate1636 Words   |  7 PagesPro-Choice Debate History of Abortion The 1973 court case Roe v. Wade was a landmark decision for United States history, and it still remains very controversial today. The Court ruled that the right to privacy applied to a woman’s choice to have an abortion, therefore legalizing the action. Abortion is officially defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Today there are two groups continuing this battle, â€Å"pro-life† and â€Å"pro-choice†Read MoreIs Abortion Justifiable In Cases Of Rape Or Incest?1496 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion is a topic that people love to argue. It is super easy to throw emotions into the argument because many people feel so strongly about it. People argue that abortion is either a good solution or a bad choice by the mother. However, many of the women who choose to have an abortion feel like it is their only choice. Finding out you are pregnant can be profoundly scary. Especially if the pregnancy is unplanned, or the mother is a victim of rape. It is assumed that most women who have beenRead MoreAbortion Is Not A New Idea1871 Words   |  8 PagesMerriam-Webster’s Dictionary abortion is, â€Å" the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.† Abortion is not a new idea, that is only understood in America. It is a procedure that has taken place worldwide for centuries. There is much debate over this topic because everyone has their own opinion of the idea. Some believe it should be banned forever and in all circumstances and others believe that abortion should be allowed andRead MoreThe Effects Of Negative Effects On Obama Health Care System1687 Words   |  7 Pagesservices in the U.S. according to its provisions. The Christians’ Reaction to Obama Healthcare Obamacare is the most threatening matter for Christians, and it represses their freedom of faith. Through a persistent legal battle of Christian Lawyers and associations against Obamacare, the U.S. Government allowed exception only for church, but not for Christian companies such as Hobby Lobby, many Christian school, and even hospitals. Therefore, it is the biggest issue faithfulRead MoreAbortion : The Battle Of Moral Rights Essay1835 Words   |  8 PagesAbortion: The Battle of Moral Rights One of the most controversial topics in the field of philosophy is abortion. The issue about the morality of abortion is continuously debated. The matter of abortion hinges on the question of personhood—because since then, every person has a moral status. The big question about the morality of abortion rise on the question: when does personhood begins? The two main sides of the abortion debate is between the conservative view which is supported by the CatholicRead MorePro Life And Pro Choice2045 Words   |  9 Pagesemphasize the issue of the rights of the unborn. o Pro-choice supporters stress the importance of the rights of the pregnant woman. †¢ The criteria of personhood is necessary to specify what we mean by a person. †¢ Initially, much of the debate about abortion centered around the question of the moral status of the fetus – In particular, if and when the fetus is a person. o It began sufficient conditions, which are conditions that if present would guarantee personhood. The structure of the argument looks